
The Prostate

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This is definitely one of those male-only health issues, if only for one reason – women don’t have one. Yes, boys, we’re on our own on this one.

What Is the Prostate?

The prostate is a small male sex gland, about the size and shape of a walnut. However, for such a small gland it packs one hell of a punch. This is because of where it is located in the body. The prostate is found at the bottom of the bladder between the bladder and the penis. It is wrapped around the waterworks tube (known as the urethra).

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What Does It Do?

The prostate gland plays an important role in both urinary function and sexual function. The prostate is part of the male reproductive apparatus. It plays a supporting role during sex by producing fluid that mixes with sperm at the time of ejaculation. This fluid accounts for most of the milky semen you ejaculate every time you experience an orgasm. This prostate fluid is thought to help nourish sperm and help them reach their target. Prostate fluid also contains a protein known as prostate specific antigen or PSA. The role of PSA is to help liquefy semen, aiding the fertility process. However, some PSA also escapes into the bloodstream. This is the basis of the PSA blood test. It can be a marker of prostate health in that raised levels of PSA in the blood can indicate prostate problems.

The Waterworks System

Understanding the process of urination can help you to understand diseases of the prostate and how they can affect us. When men attempt to urinate, urine passes from the bladder and out of the body through the urethra, a tube that runs from the bladder through the prostate and the penis. The prostate completely surrounds the first part of the urethra. Changes in the prostate, including an increase in size, can put pressure on the urethra, which can then cause symptoms such as needing to urinate more often, difficulty starting to pee, poor stream and dribbling at the end. These are known as ‘prostatic symptoms’.

Disorders of the Prostate

There are three main types of prostate disorders:

  • Prostatitis
  • Benign enlargement of the prostate gland (known as BPH)
  • Prostate cancer


Prostatitis is one of several benign (non-cancerous) conditions causing inflammation of the prostate gland. The prostate is prone to become inflamed and sometimes infected, as it is connected to the processes of both sex and urination. Prostatitis is common and there are estimates that at least half of all men Canadian Viagra online, at some point in their lives, will develop symptoms of this condition. It is not contagious and is not considered to be a sexually transmitted disease.


Impotence in Yong Men

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If you are a young man and you think you have impotence, you are not alone; and this can be normal, don’t be afraid. There are actually different reasons for such, and they are psychological – so they can be resolved! This is primarily due to the fact that young men who suffer from impotence problems are more embarrassed by the condition and less likely to talk about it than older men.

Causes of Impotence in Young Men

Again, a lot of young men who suffer from impotence experience the condition primarily due to psychological reasons. The condition is usually short-term, occurring in overly-stressful situations. The leading cause of impotence in young men is anxiety, which can stem from a number of reasons, including:

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  • Negative past experiences with sex
  • Fear of a resulting pregnancy
  • Fear of getting caught
  • Fear of a sexually transmitted disease being rushed to complete the act Inexperience

When a young individual is nervous or anxious regarding his fist time sex, it is very natural for impotence to occur. Unfortunately, if he is unable to sustain or maintain an erection, more damage may be done, as this can lead to feelings of self-doubt and inadequacy which can affect future sexual interactions.

As a general rule, professional advice should be sought to rule out any physical conditions that may be causing the impotence to take place.

How a Young Man Can Manage Impotence or Erectile Dysfunction Despite the fact that there are some Buy Viagra Professional in Australian Store without prescription medications on the market that can be used to manage erectile dysfunction, these medications are not recommended for young men suffering from the condition. These medications are strong and harsh, and often cause a significant number of side effects that can affect a man’s sexuality in later years.

Young men who have problems on erectile dysfunction on an occasional basis should first try alternative methods to attempt to get the problem under control. One of the first steps in treating impotence in young men, is for them to evaluate if there is a source of anxiety that is causing the issue. If they are overly anxious before having sexual relations, finding a way to remove that anxiety is likely all that is needed to stop the impotence from occurring.

We will also discuss later on several herbal remedies that can likewise be considered to help combat impotence or erectile dysfunction. Since most impotence in young men can be attributed to anxiety, using soothing herbs can help to relax the man and reduce anxiety. Some relaxing herbs that can help include wild oats, lavender and passion flower.

Other herbs that can help include herbs that are known aphrodisiacs, which can help to arouse sexual interest. Herbal aphrodisiacs include ginger, Red Chinese ginseng or Red Korean ginseng, and the ever famous dark chocolate.


Coping with Sperm Banking

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So what can be learnt from this?

In reproductive medicine antibiotics shop in Canada online, information about the immediate and longerterm experience of participating in medical advances often lags behind the technology. This study aimed to begin to address the gap in research knowledge about the experiences of young men under the age of majority and their parents when offered fertility preservation following cancer diagnosis.

As a pilot study designed to test the feasibility of interviewing those affected, the sample size was intended to be fairly small. Although take up of the study was high, the number of interviews conducted was actually lower than anticipated because of the high relapse rate within this patient population. The findings from the interviews alone should therefore be treated with caution; until more research is available we cannot know how typical are the experiences reported here. However, there were similarities with the findings from other parts of the study (interviews with professionals and national postal surveys of practice in paediatric oncology and assisted conception) that warrant attention and that suggest that face-to-face interviews on this sensitive topic have the potential to offer valuable additional information in helping to shape the future direction of services. Both young men and parents showed high levels of recall of their experiences and there were very few discrepancies between accounts.

Although there may well be room for debate about the level of understanding that is deemed sufficient to indicate competence in making this decision, and about the adequacy of the existing legal provision, Gillick3 competence is currently a legal requirement for consent by minors in the UK, as are other aspects of the consent process. The lack of clarity among the young men and their parents about both consent to storage and consent to disclosure of information was perhaps due in part to the lack of clarity among some professionals. When combined with the relative lack of written and verbal information, their understanding of the impact on their fertility and sexuality may be unnecessarily limited.

The need to pay more attention to increasing the choices available at the time of decision-making, albeit within unavoidable constraints, is important. Assumptions about the appropriateness of how to involve mothers and fathers, when to raise it, how and where the sample should be produced and who should accompany the young man to the sperm bank are all areas where there is room for improved professional attention to increasing choices, maximizing feelings of control (at a time when feelings of loss of control may be particularly high) and meeting individual need in patients and parents at this difficult time. This is not about proscribing what should happen, it is about using professional skill in communication together with provision of appropriate information to try and ensure that the process works well for the individual and parents concerned.

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Offering greater choice does not mean abdicating responsibility for being proactive when appropriate. Respondents identified clear aspects of professional manner and communication that were valued highly, aided decision-making and made a difficult situation more manageable. These included directness and clarity in information giving, using warmth, and, on occasion, humour – and not being embarrassed.


Evaluating the man with ED

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Erectile dysfunction can be caused by a diversified variety of factors. Ageing, suffering from certain diseases, smoking, substance abusing, taking certain types of drugs, feeling depressed, stressed out or tired can make your erectile potency dwindle significantly. Viagra online canadian pharmacy can successfully deal with erectile dysfunction brought on by the majority of these factors. However, you should check with your urologist or andrologist if you can safely take sildenafil and have your blood panels taken regularly before and while you do.

A complete evaluation often determines likely etiological factors for ED. The evaluation of ED follows the same pattern as evaluation of any medical disorder, including a pertinent history, physical examination, and laboratory tests. However, this history must include a sexual history. A well-organized brief sexual history can be an effective diagnostic tool. It is better not to accept the patient’s label for a disorder without first questioning and obtaining a clear picture of the complaint. Often, less educated patients misuse medical or technical terminology. For example, because some men con-fuse ED with premature ejaculation, asking if the erection is lost before or after ejaculation can clarify the problem. Learning about the patient’s sexual and relationship histories can also be very revealing.

Questions generally review the phases of male sexual response and focus on problems of desire, arousal/erection, orgasm/ejaculation, and sexual pain. Offering the patient several phrases that describe the same phenomenon in different ways can make communication more clear.

For desire phase disorder, physicians can ask, “Do you still feel in the mood, feel desire, have sexual thoughts or fantasies?” ED preceded by loss of desire can signal hormonal problems, relationship difficulties, adverse effects from medication, and depression. It is difficult for most men to sustain an erection if they feel no desire.

For arousal/erection difficulties, physicians can ask, “Do you have trouble getting or keeping an erection, getting or keeping hard? Or both?” An easy method of distinguish-ing most psychogenic ED disorders from potentially organically induced disorders is to ask if the patient ever has a spontaneous or sexually induced erection at any time? A positive response strongly hints at stress or anxiety as the trigger of the ED rather than a physical cause or medication adverse effect.

For orgasm/ejaculatory phase problems physicians can ask, “Do you feel you ejacu-late, ‘come,’ too quickly (or too slowly or not at all?)?” ED is common in men who, for any reason, became increasingly anxious about quick ejaculations, delayed ejaculation, or perceived absence of ejaculation, as can occur with retrograde emission.

To reveal Peyronie’s disease or pain disorders, a physicians can ask about “a bend to the penis” or pain during or after sexual activity.

Questions about sexuality need to be sensitive to cultural and religious differences. Using terminology that is clear, simple, and respectful of the patient’s feelings can facil-itate communication. Further general questions about sex may reveal deeper misunder-standings or mishaps with sexual activity in the past. These frequently require referral to a sex therapist or viagra australia online shop.

The medical history should include review of risk factors and screening for psycho-logical difficulties. A review of medications, including over-the-counter preparations, may reveal the source of the problem, because medications have been implicated in up to 25% of cases of ED. Medications have adverse effects on all phases of sexual functioning, making clarification of the patient’s complaint a priority before ascribing symptoms to side effects of specific medications. Brief screening for depression, including such questions as “Do you sometimes feel blue, down in the dumps?” may elicit more honest responses than “Are you depressed?” Other psychiatric conditions, such as anxiety, may also be responsible for ED. The social history, which determines stress surrounding a relationship or substance abuse (including alcohol and cigarettes),


Good-Enough Male and Couple Sexuality

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Realistic, Age-Appropriate Sexual Expectations Are Essential for Sexual Satisfaction

As you age and your body changes, your sexuality also changes. Sex is different at age 20 than at 40 or 60 or 80, but aging itself does not mean an end to sex. You truly are a sexual person until you die.

The most important positive, realistic expectation is that you are aware of and accepting of your bodily changes rather than fighting against your body. As you age, your vascular and neurological systems become less efficient, so psychological, relational, and psychosexual skill factors become more important in sexual function and satisfaction. Contrary to popular mythology, there is not a dramatic change in testosterone levels with healthy aging. A key to healthy developmental sexuality is to confront the cultural myth that you are past your sexual prime by 22 (this refers to a very narrow definition of sexual ability as able to become aroused quickly after ejaculation). Your penis and orgasm are an integral part of your sexual body, but intimate intercourse is the key to healthy sex after 25. Enjoy being an adult sexual man. Sexual satisfaction at any age is grounded on realistic expectations of your body, emotional well-being, and relationship health.

Good Physical Health and Healthy Behavioral Habits Are Vital for Sexual Health. A Man Needs to Value His Own Body as well as his Partner’s

Taking care of your physical health and body will enhance your sexual function and satisfaction. Anything that is detrimental to your vascular, neurological, or hormonal system is harmful for you sexually. An important example is smoking, which impairs your vascular system. Another crucial factor is drinking. Many young men learn to be sexual in the context of alcohol. Alcohol is a central nervous system depressant that negatively impacts sexual response. However, for young men, their sexual enthusiasm and more efficient vascular and neurological systems can override these effects. Alcohol also “greases social encounters” and can reduce self-consciousness. One or, at the most, two drinks can improve social confidence and put the man (and woman) in a passionate mood— this can be a legitimate use of drinking. The danger is when he needs alcohol as “liquid courage.” A common trap occurs when sex and alcohol are strongly linked. Alcohol abuse is a very frequent cause of male sexual dysfunction, especially erectile dysfunction – canadian pharmacy online.

In contrast, men who don’t smoke and have healthy sleep, exercise, eating, and drinking habits are protecting their sexual bodies and facilitating sexual response. This is of value throughout life, but especially after the mid-30s, because the vascular and neurological systems are less efficient and therefore sexual response is more vulnerable. Remember, healthy sexuality resides in a healthy body.


Inhibited Ejaculation (Delayed Ejaculation and Anejaculation)

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Inhibited ejaculation (IE) consists of delayed ejaculation (DE) and anejaculation (AE), two conditions along the same clinical spectrum. Inhibited ejaculation refers to persistent or recurrent difficulty, delay in, or the inability to achieve ejaculation despite sufficient sexual stimulation.

Delayed ejaculation and AE may be lifelong or acquired, constant or situational, and patients with DE and AE may or may not experience concurrent orgasm. Viagra sublingual – cheap ed treatment.

Delayed ejaculation and AE can be caused by a number of factors, including medical conditions, surgical procedures, and psychological issues. Any factors affecting the central control of ejaculation, the afferent and/or efferent nerve supply to the vas deferens, bladder neck, penis, and pelvic floor, can potentially lead to DE or AE. Aging is a leading risk factor for IE. Aging-related changes suggested by some authors that lead to IE include: progressive loss of the fast conducting peripheral sensory axons, collagen infiltration of myelin, and atrophy of the dermis, which collectively can lead to an aging-related hypoanesthesia of the penis. Spinal cord injury can also lead to IE. In contrast to erectile function, a man’s ability to ejaculate increases as the level of his spinal cord injury descends, and less than 5% of men with complete upper motor neuron lesions have intact ejaculatory capability. Sometimes, surgical procedures can result in IE. Such procedures include aortic bypass surgery, repair of aortic aneurysms, or other operations involving the periaortic region or pelvis. A particular example of this type of surgery that is familiar to urologists is retroperitoneal lymph node dissection. Retroperitoneal lymph node dissection is often used in treating testicular cancer and may involve the removal of the postganglionic sympathetic nerves emanating from the sympathetic chain and hypogastric plexus. The result of this intervention is ablation of the efferent stimulation for seminal emission and bladder neck closure, essential components of successful ejaculation. Nerve-sparing techniques using modified templates to preserve the essential sympathetic nerves are now commonly employed and result in a high degree of retained ejaculatory function. Even with a nerve-sparing approach, other factors such as large retroperitoneal tumor mass or preoperative chemotherapy increase the risk of postoperative ejaculatory dysfunction. Clomid Australia

Medical conditions can also lead to IE. While much has been written recently about the negative effects of diabetes mellitus (DM) on erectile function, the issues of ejaculatory dysfunction associated with DM are less well studied.


The Truth About Sex

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Fact: You Need a Model for Your Sexuality as a Man

So, what is your model for male sexuality? Who is your role model for a sexually healthy man? How can you think positively about the multiple dimensions of your masculinity? How can you create your standard for healthy sexuality? Your model defines what—for you—is sexual health. It includes your assumptions about what is good sex and what causes sexual problems. This framework determines your understanding of the nature and purposes of sex, your attitude toward your body and your partner’s body, your feelings, the value of fantasies, sexual growth and maturity, your expectations about sex, your relationship expectations, what a sexual dysfunction is, your attitudes toward friendships with men and women, your philosophy of life, the relationship between spirituality and sex, and your definition of sexual satisfaction.

Your sexual model will have a valence; sex is either fundamentally positive or negative—sex is good or sex is bad. Your model needs to focus on you as an individual and on your sexual relationship. Focus your model on accurate knowledge, feelings (satisfaction), and behavior (sexual function). You want to avoid being simplistic or one-dimensional. Ensure that your model of sexuality is inclusive, multidimensional, and well integrated with your body and mind. As much as we all wish important things in life could be simple, the fact is that life is complex, and so is sexuality. Canadian health care mall pharmacy

Exercise: Creating Your Model of Male Sexual Health

Consider the following questions about your thoughts, beliefs, and values about male sexuality:

  • Do you think that you can be in poor physical condition and still have a good quality sex life?
  • How do you understand your body to be “programmed”? What is it sexually designed to do?
  • For you, what are the most important purposes for sex?
  • If you feel that you are ugly or have a small penis, can you find sexual satisfaction?
  • What do you think is the relationship between your physical and sexual health?
  • Could you be happy as a celibate man? What are your specific sexual needs?
  • What is the interaction between your sexual thoughts, feelings, and actions?
  • Do you think sex is the one area of your life where you should be free and not need to regulate feelings or behavior?
  • Is your sexuality your own, or is sex meant to be shared with a loving partner?
  • Do you believe that sex is serious or playful?
  • Where does your sex drive come from? Body? Emotions? Relationship? Do you think playfulness during sex is valuable for your relationship? Can you sexually disappoint your partner and still have satisfying sex and feel good about yourself?
  • How important is a good sex life to an intimate, long-term relationship?
  • Do you think sex should rely more on physical desire than emotional closeness?
  • How much do you value intimacy? How much eroticism? Can these be integrated into your relationship? Viagra online Canadian pharmacy

Reflection: There are no simple responses, no correct or incorrect responses to these considerations. Ask yourself:

  • What thoughts stand out as you reflect on these questions?
  • What do you learn about yourself?
  • Your values?
  • Your model of male sexual health?


Pulmonary Hypertension as well as ED and Australian Viagra

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Viagra is a sildenafil citrate medication and was originally studied for use in treating pulmonary hypertension and angina pectoris. Pulmonary hypertension is an increase of blood pressure in the pulmonary artery. Angina pectoris is the clinical term for chest pain or discomfort when the heart muscles do not get the required amount of blood the heart needs to function properly. Initial clinical testing of the drug suggested the drug had very little effect on angina, but the drug could help induce an erection. Most of the men in the group that were part of that that initial testing group all had some level of erectile dysfunction due to hypertension, diabetes and other physical ailments.

After failing to demonstrate positive results for angina, a pharmaceutical company began to study sildenafil citrate for use in treating erecting dysfunction. After it was tested and approved for use in treating erectile dysfunction, it was marketed as Viagra. It is still used to treat hypertension under the name of Revatio.

Hypertension, commonly called high blood pressure, and erectile dysfunction seem to go hand in hand. High blood pressure is a clinical cause of erectile dysfunction and controlling one usually controls the other. There have been considerable studies completed to suggest, and in many cases document, the correlation between high blood pressure and erectile dysfunction.

Sildenafil citrate has the same side effects whether treating high blood pressure or erectile dysfunction and includes headaches and facial flushing, nasal congestion, back pain and indigestion. The side effects are temporary, and in most cases very mild. When used to treat hypertension, sildenafil citrate works to widen the arteries enough to lower blood pressure.

Sildenafil citrate is also effective when treating Mountain Sickness which is pulmonary artery pressure at high altitudes, Reynaud’s Phenomenon which is exposure to the cold that triggers small artery spasms and Heart Disease which includes diastolic dysfunction and congestive heart failure.

Sildenafil, whether used as Viagra Canadian or Revatio, has become a popular and effective method of treating several health challenges without causing other health risks. Taken orally and as directed, the user will find positive effects from the drug.

Before using either drug, always consult a medical professional and confirm the presence of an exact affliction and rule out all other health and physical issues. The medication should always be taken as directed in the time frames prescribed. Taking more of the medication than prescribed will not increase the positive effects.


Etiology and Risk Factors of Erectile Dysfunction: Diabetes Part 2, Metabolic Syndrome

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A large national epidemiologic study was able to review a very large database of the diabetic male population through the use of managed care claims.

The study used this database to determine the prevalence of diabetes in men with and without ED. The prevalence of diabetes in men with ED was found to be much higher than the general population. Twenty percent of men suffering from ED were also found to have been diagnosed with diabetes; this is in comparison to only 7.5% in men without ED – to treat erectile dysfunction try cheap australia viagra online.

Given this finding that men with ED are twice as likely to have diabetes as those without ED, the diagnosis of ED may indeed serve as a useable marker for diabetic screening. A similarly large national study in 2005 evaluating men with ED found four specific comorbidities to be significantly prevalent among men carrying the diagnosis of ED. The authors even suggested that ED may be used as an observable marker for all four: hypertension, hyperlipidemia, depression, and diabetes Although treatment of ED is discussed later in the book, it is prudent to mention here that certain trials in the past decade have been specifically dedicated to the treatment of ED in diabetic males. A retrospective analysis of data from twelve placebo-controlled trials evaluated the efficacy and safety of tadalafil for the treatment of ED in diabetic males. They confirmed that diabetic men have more severe ED than controls at baseline. Interestingly, they also found that baseline erectile function in the diabetic males correlated inversely with baseline HbA(1)c levels. They concluded that although ED was found to be more severe in the diabetic population, response to tadalafil was only slightly lower than controls for the treatment of ED. Metabolic Syndrome An estimated 47 million people in the USA have metabolic syndrome.

Metabolic Syndrome is a combination of medical disorders thatincrease an individual’s risk for CAD and diabetes. Components of the syndrome include abdominal obesity, atherogenic dyslipidemia, hypertension, insulin resistance, prothrombotic states, and proinflammatory states. Correlation between metabolic syndrome and ED has been well established and mirrors the association of CAD or diabetes with the syndrome. Reported prevalence of ED in patients with metabolic syndrome falls between 26.7% and virtually 100%, and this prevalence increases as the number of components of the metabolic syndrome increases.

Of mention, hyperhomocysteinemia is an emerging risk factor for the development of ED in diabetic men. Further studies are needed to evaluate the exact mechanism by which this metabolite exerts its effect.


Etiology and Risk Factors of Erectile Dysfunction: Diabetes

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The pathophysiology of ED in men with diabetes mellitus (DM) is complex and multifactorial. Men with DM, even those without significant comorbidities, suffer from a wide range of sexual dysfunction, including decreased desire and sexual satisfaction.

Prevalence of ED among diabetic men that has been reported in the literature ranges widely. Unfortunately, many studies either have not differentiated between DM Type 1 and Type 2, or were not done in Type 1 diabetics. The prevalence of ED among men with DM in the MMAS was reported at three times the general population, or 28% versus 9.6%. A more recent study evaluated selfreported ED in males with DM Type 1 and found a prevalence of 20% overall and 47.1% in those 43 years of age or older. Along with objective factors, such as decreased libido, men with DM Type 2 demonstrate organic causes with a decreased nocturnal penile tumescence.

Several cellular and molecular derangements have been described in diabetic men that contribute to the increased risk of ED in this population. Vascular injury is an important cause of ED in this population. At gross anatomical level, men with diabetes have an increased prevalence of cavernosal arterial insufficiency, thus impaired arterial response, on ultrasound.

erectile-dysfunction-diabetes1An early study reported impaired endothelial-mediated vasodilation upon exposure to acetylcholine, a parasympathetic agent, in cavernosal tissue of diabetic men with ED.

Since this study, endothelial dysfunction in cavernosal tissue of diabetic men has been characterized by abnormalities including, but not limited to, increased apoptosis, oxidative stress, and overactivity of protein kinase C.

Thus, the effect of DM on penile vasculature is mechanically similar to its effect on other vascular structures throughout the body. Although advanced glycation endproducts have been demonstrated in cavernosal tissue, their significance remains unclear.While a majority of research has focused on diabetic ED as vascular phenomenon, there is at least correlational evidence that autonomic neuropathy plays a role in the development of ED in diabetics. The existence of ED in men with diabetes is also predicted by age and other complications of diabetes, such as retinopathy and depression