
How The Insulin Pump Has Changed Life For The Diabetic

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It’s important to recognise that everybody’s requirements are different for insulin infusion. Some may have to administer the hormone more often than others, whilst some people might need other ways than simple injection to administer the substance. By speaking with a doctor or a clinician, a diabetes sufferer will be able to discuss their options and decide which way they want to administer their infusion insulin every day.

Insulin Infusion pumps are widely considered one of the most advanced ways to inject insulin into the body, however, they can carry a heavy price tag with an initial cost of up to $6,000, as well as the extra costs for the other equipment that is necessary. If you are lucky enough to have a great insurance plan to pay for this equipment it makes it easier than ever to use infusion insulin, which can minimise the impact that diabetes has on your life.

For those who suffer with diabetes, injecting insulin into their body can be problematic or difficult – especially when they are first diagnosed with the condition. For many, administering a substance like this can be traumatic. That’s why it’s important for people to realise that they are always able to contact their doctors both about the facts about their condition, and the different ways they can administer the hormone.

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Insulin is incredibly important for the body. Its function allows for the correct amount of glucose to remain flowing through the bloodstream. If the body has too much glucose, or even too little, disastrous effects can be had on the body. Insulin is one of two hormones in the body that regulate the amount of glucose in the bloodstream. Insulin works by telling the liver, fat cells, muscle cells and other cells in the body to absorb some of the excess glucose that currently is flowing through the bloodstream. This means that the amount currently flowing can be regulated, and kept at a level that is safe.

If the body does not have insulin (which is what happens with diabetics whose pancreases are unable to secrete the hormone into the body correctly), then the individual will suffer from hypoglycemia. Hypoglycemia is a condition that causes symptoms like extreme hunger, cold sweats and dizziness. If these symptoms can be found early enough, then kits like infusion insulin pumps can be used inject the correct amount of insulin on a regular basis.

Whether you’re using an infusion insulin pump, or other kits that simply involve needles, a variety of tools are available. Syringe auto-injectors are popular, whilst other commercial injectors are a totally different kind of equipment that allows people who have problems with other equipment to get the dosage of insulin that they require.

For whatever equipment is being used, cleanliness is key. Without clean equipment, infections can occur – causing more problems for the body. Be sure to use the right equipment, and the procedure can be made simple.


Elevated Blood Sugar Causes Progressive Problems

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Typically, a physical at your doctor’s office will include a fasting blood test. If your results come back in the 110-120 range, you are generally told that it is a little high, but not too much of a concern – you do not have pre-diabetes or diabetes yet.

Unfortunately for you, damage is already occurring in your system at levels well below what is being recognized as a pre-disease or disease state such as diabetes. The following is to help you see what is actually occurring, and why you need to take a more thorough look at your blood sugar level. Keep in mind that all of the following are occurring while you are perhaps being told your glucose levels are not a problem.

Clinical studies and autopsies show damage occurs much earlier than anyone thought – at 100 mg/dl. Elevated blood sugar levels cause a unique set of problems that affect the entire body. To understand the complications of this, and how soon problems begin occurring, we need to review a general understanding of the hormone insulin.

Understanding Insulin & Glucagon’s Role in the Body

The goal for your body is to keep blood sugar levels in a narrow range regardless of what you eat…..processed foods, donuts, fruits, etc. For most people this is normally between 70 and 110. The doctor’s lab range usually shows it as 65 to 99. That is not really a lot of sugar in your bloodstream. For a person that weighs about 150 pounds, we are talking about less than 1/6th of an ounce. Fasting blood sugar should be about 80 to 85. (A Glucose Tolerance test is a better indicator and should not exceed 120 at two hours; however, medical offices rarely perform this test due to time and costs.)

Thanks to the pancreas, you body is equipped with a very effective system for maintaining this narrow range. When you eat a meal high in sugar (this can be carbohydrates not just sugar) and blood sugar levels rise, the pancreas (specifically the Beta Cells in the area of pancreas called the Islets of Langerhans) quickly release the hormone insulin. (Your body knows it has to keep blood sugar in balance so this occurs with extraordinary speed). The bloodstream quickly carries the insulin to all the cells in the body where the insulin triggers receptor sites on the cell walls, thus allowing the sugar to pass into the cell to be converted to energy.

If you eat more sugar then is needed for energy, it is stored as glycogen mostly in the liver but some is also stored in the muscles.

Once blood sugar levels are in normal range, the Beta Cells stop the production of insulin as the levels have been stabilized.

If your blood sugar starts to drop, the Alpha Cells from your pancreas release the other pancreatic hormone, glucagon, which triggers the release of the stored sugar (glycogen) from your liver and muscles, thus raising the blood sugar. The term “carb-loading” used by long distance runners and tri-athletes, refers their tying to fill their liver and muscles with this stored sugar, glycogen, for energy.

So far, everything is working fine in the body; however, at some point for various reasons (some of which are listed below), the insulin does not so easily pass through the cell walls causing the Beta Cells to have to increase the production of insulin, bombarding the cells to try to get the sugar into them for energy and balancing the blood sugar levels.

Following are the top reasons for cell walls and receptor cells not allowing insulin to cause the passage of sugar into the cells – with the first two being the most common:

Too much sugar and carbs in the diet for a prolonged period of time requiring too much insulin release which can damage the receptor cells. (Diabetes was not much of an issue until processed and refined foods entered the national diet.)
Too much transfat and saturated fat which can coat the cells, interfering with the insulin effectiveness. (Transfats have now been outlawed in restaurants in some states, but they are still in many foods). Again, Diabetes was not much of an issue until transfats, specifically margarine, were introduced into the national diet.
Lack of the 46 essential nutrients that cells much have to properly function as designed. These nutrients must come from the food you eat or the supplements you take. Deficits in any of the 46 essentials can cause a disease state in the body. (The SONA vitamin line by Enerex USA is the best on the market).
Genes that help regulate insulin may be damaged from toxins, metals, heredity, or other factors.
Prolonged periods of stress – stress shuts down insulin, which causes blood levels to spike to make energy more available in times of need. The insulin production then spikes to bring the elevated sugar levels back down to normal.

As a result of this cell receptor issue, the cells in the body start to become resistant to the insulin being produced. Insulin levels must then be continually increased to force the sugar into the cells. This is the beginning of some other problems.

If fat cells develop insulin resistance, they release triglycerides into the blood stream. And what are triglycerides made of…glucose (sugar), fatty acids, and water. So the free fatty acid levels rise in your bloodstream which is one of the warning signals of the Metabolic Syndrome (Increased risk for heart disease). Did you ever consider that the fatty acid problem in your bloodstream could be related to too much blood sugar?
The increased insulin resistance in the liver and muscle cells means that they no longer store as much glucose, which again means that more sugar is in the bloodstream.
Slightly elevated blood sugar levels (over 100) is the point where some of the Beta Cells begin to be damaged. Blood sugar over 110 causes damage to your retina.
As your blood sugar continues to rise your pancreas goes into overdrive to produce more insulin in an attempt to bring your blood sugar back into balance and the more it stays at an elevated level the more Beta Cells get damaged (burnt out). By the time you are called a diabetic you may have lost 40% of your Beta Cells. You must deal with blood sugar issues while they are still reversible.

So now the body is in a position of having higher than normal blood sugar, plus higher then normal insulin levels. Both of these cause the problems listed below – and yet you are still not classified as having Diabetes since these conditions are occurring with blood sugar levels under 140, before you even have Pre-diabetes.

Elevated insulin is tied to the following:

Impaired fat burning, causing weight gain and the accumulation and storage of fat;
Damage to the kidneys;
Damage to the arterials walls causing atherosclerosis;
Increase in cholesterol and triglyceride levels;
High Blood pressure and heart disease;
Depletion of essential nutrients, causing vitamin and mineral deficiencies.

Elevated insulin will last in the body as long as the sugar remains too high and as long as you have enough functioning Beta Cells to produce the insulin. The production will slow over time as the Beta Cells are damaged or become dormant.

Elevated blood sugar results in a cascading effect within the body. Since your body knows that elevated blood sugar causes severe damage to organs, it tries to minimize the damage by taking defensive action. As sugar rises the small blood vessels start to narrow, reducing the flow of sugar getting to the organs. The higher the blood sugar, the more the blood vessels narrow. Unfortunately this impairs circulation, and reduces the amount of nutrients and oxygen that get to the organs and nerves of the body, as well as their ability to carry away cellular waste. This begins to damage cells in the small nerves of the hands and feet (why you might have tingling, pain, or cold hands and feet). The kidneys and other organs begin to show some damage as well. As much as 40% of your Beta Cells can be destroyed in as little as two years with elevated blood sugar before you are deemed a Diabetic.

With less blood flow, wounds do not heal as well and infections may become an issue. The sugar also sticks to the proteins that are needed for construction of quality collagen, essential for the repair and building of cells.

Now there is a cycle occurring where the body is having a very difficult time balancing blood sugar. Damage is occurring to not only the pancreas, which is responsible for balancing the blood sugar, but also to major organs and your nervous system. Unless you mange your blood sugar, the cycle will continue with more damage and more Beta Cells destroyed – until you finally reach the 200 mg/dl blood sugar level and are then labeled a diabetic. Of course, the fact that you insurance rates and medical costs will skyrocket, or worse, you may not even qualify for insurance, may be the least of your worries.

Those who finally develop full blown Diabetes have severe complications and will experience a shorter life span that may include severe pain. You can also expect to dramatically increase your risk of one or more of the following:

kidney failure and possible need for a dialysis machine
heart disease and hardening of the arteries
premature death

This disease is already epidemic: 40% of people over 20 years old have some degree of blood sugar problems or glucose intolerance; 75% of the elderly have the problem; one in every three of our school children is expected to develop full diabetes, and based on current ratios, that means nearly all of them will develop glucose intolerance.

Do you really want to experience a life of pain and diminished capabilities? Yes, the medical world can keep you alive with drugs – but what kind of life is that?

Be smart. Start taking care of yourself now with exercise and better diet to help metabolize the blood sugar. Take Diabetes Defense to help you with blood sugar and fat metabolism.

Don’t wait. Start a new program for better health today.

Mark Schumacher is a 57 year old health advocate that owns a health supplement company. He is a former premed student and EMT that now invests his time in teaching and training young athletes. He also consults with clients on health and weight issues and believes that education along with a healthy diet and the right supplements is the solution to the nations health problem.


Blood Sugar Highs and Lows

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Controlling the amount of sugar in your blood is imperative for anyone diagnosed as a type 2 diabetic. When Type II diabetics experience high or low levels of sugar in the blood, they can develop significant complications. High blood sugar levels in diabetics can cause serious damage to the body, while low levels of sugar in the blood can cause immediate, life threatening complications.


Low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) may not be as commonly discussed as high, but it can be life threatening especially for diabetics. When the level of sugar drops below 80 mg per deciliter of blood, the body begins to develop serious problems. Typical symptoms displayed by people with hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) are:

• Dizziness
• Sweating
• Anxiety
• Shaking
• Hunger
• Confusion
• Sleepiness
• Numbness and tingling

If you are, or know a Type II diabetic showing these symptoms, it is important to check your level of sugar in your blood immediately. If your blood sugar level is low, it is advised that you have a small snack that has sugar in it, like drink some fruit juice or eat a few small pieces of candy. It is very important to remember to ingest the sugar slowly not having large quantities at one time.

It is also very important to remember to check the level of sugar in your blood again after ingesting the sugar. If the blood sugar level is still low, take some more candy. Checking your blood sugar levels every fifteen minutes to ensure that they are back to normal is recommended. If your blood sugar levels is frequently too low, seek medical advice and treatment as this could be a sign of a major problem that should be addressed immediately.

Diabetics that have low levels of sugar in their blood are prone to passing out. Because of this, it is very important for someone experiencing effects of low levels of sugar to be extra careful when driving or operating heavy machinery. People with low sugar tendencies should pay special attention to their individual symptoms and make sure they are not in dangerous situations when they start experiencing them.


High levels of sugar in the blood can also be very damaging to the body. Moderately high sugar levels can cause long-term degenerative problems in the body, including ketoacidosis and hyperosmolar syndrome. The warning signs for high sugar levels that people need to watch out for include:

• Dry Mouth
• High Fever
• Loss of Vision
• Sleepiness
• Confusion
• Weakness on one side of the body
• Hallucinations
• Warm dry skin without sweat
• Extreme thirst

If you, or someone you know if a type 2 diabetic and experiencing any of these symptoms, you need to seek the help of a doctor immediately. Both high and low sugar levels can be life threatening when they are not controlled.


What Is Insulin and How Do We Produce It?

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Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas to battle rising blood sugar levels caused by normal carbohydrate intake. A diabetic person is unable to produce Insulin at all so must take injections to keep blood sugar levels at an acceptable level.

Insulin causes cells in the liver, muscle, and fat tissue to absorb glucose from the blood. Recombinant DNA technology is used to synthetically create Insulin for medical use. A type 1 diabetic can take insulin in the form of injections in a Multiple Daily Injections scheme or with the use of an insulin pump which closely mimics the action of a real pancreas.

The cause of type 1 diabetes is not yet understood fully which makes finding a cure very difficult. Usually children and young adults are diagnosed and most continue to live a normal healthy life by learning to manage and control the condition

Insulin contains two separate amino acid chains bonded together. Proteins are all made up of amino acids, the basic building blocks. The two chains have slightly different amounts of amino acids.

Preproinsulin is required to be produced before an active insulin protein can be made. Preproinsulin is a single protein chain containing both of the separate chains, a section in the middle links the chains together and stimulates the proteins to secret. An evolution then occurs developing proinsulin and finally an active insulin protein is formed which does not have the linking section between the individual chains.

Specific enzymes are required by the protein at each step of evolution to ensure the next step is accurately generated.

Insulin production is a lengthy and complicated process but the millions of type one diabetics rely on it every day to keep well and healthy.



Checking Your Insulin Levels

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Living with diabetes is a very demanding task. You have many obligations, such as measuring blood sugar levels, follow a strict diet, keep your weight under control, and making sure that your insulin measure is accurate and thorough.

But easy! It’s not that bad! Technology has provided many attractive advances that have made diabetes control equipments very practical. Thus, you may carry a normal and relax lifestyle without suffering hard testing procedures or spending a great amount of money.

Easy Life With Diabetes

Certainly you would like to use a diabetes monitor that is easy to use, easy to carry and easy to read. People suffering from diabetes have too much with fact of watching the exercise program and the diet. So it would be really unfair to have a complicated device to test blood sugar levels.

These days there are very innovative insulin meters easy to use and to carry which do not require painful prickling of your fingers when testing. They also supply immediately accurate results that do not imply any complication when you need to access to them.

It’s Very Likely You Get Your New Premium Diabetes Meter If You Sign Up Today

Everybody knows that diabetes can be a threatening disease if it’s not treated and tracked on time. People suffering from diabetes have the responsibility to follow up their treatment using modern and high quality devices. In the market today, one can find a great variety of glucose meters that you can try for free by filling out a form online with name and address.